Captivate by Carrie Jones
Zara and her friends knew that their pizie problem was far from over.
The king and his people may be in traped, buts his need grow everyday and his people are growing weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now Zara's problems have doubled. There's a new king in town and he has eyes set on her.
The War for Zara's heart has began. With Nick almost killed and Astley swearing that he and Zara are destined to be together. Zara's life is getting more complicated by the day.
The War for Zara's heart has began. With Nick almost killed and Astley swearing that he and Zara are destined to be together. Zara's life is getting more complicated by the day.
But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life -- and his.
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