i have bee lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview author Megan Miranda about her latest book Soul print, inspiration and much more.
Welcome Megan !
1. Soul Print is your latest book to be released. Where did the concept for Soul Print come from?
The idea for Soulprint came from a question I had years ago, when I was studying science in school. We had been learning about the human genome project—where scientists were mapping each section of our DNA to what it coded for—and I wondered: what if scientists found the soul? What would that look like? What would that mean? How could we use that….and, in the case of this story, how might that be used against us?
2. When you are writing your stories to you base your characters on people you know in real life or are they completely fictional?
They are typically completely fictional, though I do start to find pieces of different people in them when I read it back. The characters develop a life of their own as I write, but I realize that I do give them pieces from others here and there—including myself.
3. Covers can often be what inspires and intrigues a reader to pick up the book. When you are having your covers created what is it you look for ? Who designed the covers?
The truth is, I have very little artistic vision when it comes to cover designs. The cover designers at Bloomsbury are responsible for the covers (and I have loved them all!). What I hope for is that they will capture the feel or tone of the book, and I think I’ve really lucked out in that regard. I adore the covers for Soulprint (both the US and UK versions) – I think they’re very striking and capture the essence at the heart of the story. And as an author, that’s really what I hope for most.
4. Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?
Haha, now I kind of wish I had a strange writing habit J I don’t think I do…. I sit at my desk in my office, and I type away. Sometimes this also involves coffee and Pop-Tarts.
5. There have been some amazing books written throughout history. If you could have written any book in history what book would it be?
Oh there are so many amazing books that I have adored and wished I had come up with myself. But on the flip side, I think there’s something very particular about an author and their books. They are all very personal. I am a believer of the saying that only you can write your book. So I guess the same goes the other way—I couldn’t have written anyone else’s book, either.
6. Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad?
If they’re sent to me by my editor (as the professional ones are), they turn up in my inbox, and I read them. If they are sent directly to me over social media, occasionally I will take a look. Other than that, I don’t go looking for reviews, though I do appreciate them all. The way I see it, the reviews are for other readers of that outlet, and not so much for me. I have a lot of input throughout the drafting and revising process from critique partners, my agent, and my editors. After that, the book belongs to readers. It will mean different things to different people, and will resonate differently as well. At publication, I have to let go of it a little.
7. Is there one subject you would never write about as an author? What is it?
I haven’t thought about this before. On the contrary, I usually have too many things I want to write, but not enough time to write them all. I also try to never say never….
8. What does a typical writing day look like for you?
This has changed a lot in the last few years, as my kids are now school age. Now I pretty much work standard hours when they’re at school. When I’m drafting: We walk to school, and on the way home, I’ll start brainstorming to myself, so when I’m at the computer, I’m ready to start. I typically work until it’s time to pick them up. If I’m under deadline, or juggling book promotion, I will hop back on the laptop after they go to sleep at night. But I really try to segregate writing time from kid time, as much as I can.
9. What is next for you?
I have 2 books scheduled to be published in 2016. First, my debut adult suspense novel, which tells the story of 2 women who go missing 10 years apart, and whose cases are linked by the same group of friends in a small North Carolina town. The story covers the span of 2 weeks, and it’s told backwards.
I also have a new YA about a girl named Kelsey who has been raised on fear by her mother, who was a victim of abduction many years earlier. When her mother goes missing, Kelsey begins to question the sequence of events she’s grown up with, and realizes she may have just set something dangerous in motion.
10. Where can you finds follow you?
You can find me on twitter: @MeganLMiranda
And Instagram: MeganLMiranda
Or on my website: www.meganmiranda.com
Thanks for having me on your blog!